Category: Nosema
Evaluating Efficacy of Fumagilin-B® Against Nosemosis
Researchers from Nova Scotia, Canada, report on Fumagilin-B® suppression of N. ceranae.
Solution to Pesticide Problem: Lactic Acid Bacteria.
New study “A Pediococcus strain to rescue honeybees by decreasing Nosema ceranae- and pesticide-induced adverse effects” by Peghaire et al. found that feeding live Pediococcus bacteria can rescue honeybees from N. ceranae– and pesticide adverse effects. Mortality was down from 41% to 15% and Nosema spores per bee decreased by 80%. Gene expression analysis indicates that the bacteria can achieve this benefit by stimulating the honeybee immune and detoxication systems.
Probiotics Nosema field trial
Soon after eclosion, adult honeybees are inoculated with core gut microbiome species, including those belonging to genera Bacillus and Lactobacillus….
Probiotics and microbials benefit bees during Nosema infection.
Nosema infection threatens millions of honeybee colonies worldwide. Direct-Fed Microbials (DFM), also called probiotics, help bees overcome Nosema infection.