Category: Foulbrood
October News Digest
Scientific journals digest for what’s new in honeybee biology: what happens with honey bee gut during overwintering in Canada; understanding Foul Brood Disease and “crud brood”; and appreciating diversity in scientific community.
July News Digest
As always, I wish all the readers the best health! Inevitably, summer weather and busy time in the bee yard…
One of the most creative applications for probiotic study was American Foulbrood (AFB). In my latest article, I discuss two studies that tried to overcome AFB with probiotics and arrived at different conclusions. Comparing the two gives the reader a chance to compare scope of scientific inquiry and different methods of probiotic use.
February/March Science News Digest
Stay up to date on that latest in honeybee research and news!
Signs, Symptoms and Science – European Foulbrood
Spotty brood pattern? Contorted, discolored larvae? You may have European Foulbrood.
Signs, Symptoms and Science – American Foul Brood
Spotty brood pattern? Sunken, dark, greasy looking capped brood? Foul-fish like odor? If you experience any of these symptoms when inspecting your hive, you may have American Foul Brood.